Rebecca Kuipers

Three questions: Does the information I want exist? Can I access it? May I access it?


Bureau of Business Research, IC2 Institute, The University of Texas at Austin. (2012). Texas Public Libraries: Economic Benefits and Return on Investment. Texas State Library and Archives Commission. December 2012.

Liu, D., Lease, M., Kuipers, R., and Bias, R. (2012). Crowdsourcing for Usability Testing. Proceedings of the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), October 28-31 2012.

Online Projects

Legal Resource Library
Texas C-BAR, a special project of Texas RioGrande Legal Aid
Given a new taxonomy by Rebecca Kuipers, 2011-2012.

Oral History of the Texas Oil Industry
Briscoe Center for American History
The University of Texas at Austin
Interview with E. M. Friend on 9/4/1953 Tape 135, Digitized by Rebecca Kuipers, Fall 2011
Interview with W. C. Gilbert on 7/22/1953 Part 2 of 7: Tape 115, Digitized by Rebecca Kuipers, Fall 2011
Interview with W. C. Gilbert on 7/22/1953 Part 3 of 7: Tape 116, Digitized by Rebecca Kuipers, Fall 2011
Interview with W. C. Gilbert on 7/22/1953 Part 1 of 7: Tape 114, Digitized by Rebecca Kuipers and Hyun Seol Park, Fall 2010

Book Repair Instruction Manual
Spring 2011. This manual was compiled over the course of a Book Laboratory course, in which we studied the physical structure of books, the ways they are commonly damaged, and the ways by which they can be repaired.

An Icelandic-English Dictionary
by Richard Cleasby and Gudbrand Vigfusson, published 1874
American-Scandinavian Foundation
Digitized by Sean Crist with the assistance of Rebecca Kuipers, Michael O’Keefe, and Bronwyn Woods. 2003-2004.

Poster Presentations

Archive for the Supreme Court of Texas: Preservation Needs Assessment, Spring 2012. For my capstone project, I performed a preservation needs assessment for the Texas Supreme Court Archive and then gave a poster presentation of the experience.

What's Mine is Mine, Even When It's Not: How fanfiction writers and readers talk about plagiarism, Spring 2012. My individual final poster presentation for the "Structuring Information Interactions" seminar.


The Houston Endowment Graduate Fellowship was granted to me for the 2011-2012 academic year.

contact information

Physical Address
Alexandria, VA 22311