Rebecca Kuipers

Three questions: Does the information I want exist? Can I access it? May I access it?

about me


Hello. I'm Rebecca.

It’s always a bit tricky to figure out how to describe myself. I’m quiet and generally pretty reserved regarding personal details but interested in just about everything in the world around me. I like participating in sports more than watching them and watching performances more than performing in them. I like doing and learning new things.

Personally, that translates to having a lot of different hobbies. (Recently it’s been reading, writing, tae kwon do, tai chi, tango, calligraphy, sewing, quilting, design, baking, contact juggling, and parkour.)

Professionally, that translates into searching out new bits of information and helping others do the same.

I graduated with an MSIS (Masters of Science in Information Studies) from the University of Texas at Austin in May of 2012. With wide-ranging interests, I have tried to study a little bit of everything, from database creation to social media outreach. I enjoyed it all, but was particularly drawn towards intellectual property issues and preservation techniques. I like to help people get the information they need and I want to improve at least some small portion of the world while doing it.

I grew up in Texas but have since moved to the DC area for the job opportunities and to be closer to extended family.

contact information

Physical Address
Alexandria, VA 22311