Book Repair Instruction Manual

Rebecca Kuipers, May 2, 2011
INF 393C.1: Book Lab, taught by Rebecca Elder

Table of Contents

Manuals Used

Specific Repairs
Fixing a Paper Tear with Tape
Fixing a Paper Tear with Heat-Set Tissue
Fixing a Paper Tear with Japanese Tissue
Tipping-In a Loose Page
Hinging-In a Loose Page
Hinge Tightening
Corner Repair
Double Fan Adhesive Binding
Recasing in Original Cover


Basic Book Repair Manual (in PDF format)
A Cooperative Publication of the Ohio Preservation Council and the State Library of Ohio.

Conservation Book Repair: A training manual (or in PDF format)
By Artemis BonaDea, illustrated by Alexandria Prentiss
Alaska State Library, Alaska Department of Education

General Collections Book Repair Manual
University of Rochester

A Simple Book Repair Manual
Dartmouth College Library

A Simplified Step-by-Step Guide to Book Repair and Protection! (in PDF format)
Brodart Library Supplies and Furnishings

Three Basic Book Repair Procedures

Specific Repairs

Fixing a Paper Tear with Tape

Basic Book Repair Manual (in PDF format)
A Cooperative Publication of the Ohio Preservation Council and the State Library of Ohio.
page 20, Archival Tape

Conservation Book Repair: A training manual
By Artemis BonaDea, illustrated by Alexandria Prentiss
Alaska State Library, Alaska Department of Education
Page 55, Repairing Tears with Document Repair Tape

A Simple Book Repair Manual: Torn Pages
Dartmouth College Library

A Simplified Step-by-Step Guide to Book Repair and Protection! (in PDF format)
Compliments of Brodart Library Supplies and Furnishings
Page 20, Repairing a Torn Page

Fixing a Paper Tear with Heat-Set Tissue

Basic Book Repair Manual (in PDF format)
A Cooperative Publication of the Ohio Preservation Council and the State Library of Ohio.
Page 19, Heat-Set Repair

Conservation Book Repair: A training manual
By Artemis BonaDea, illustrated by Alexandria Prentiss
Alaska State Library, Alaska Department of Education
Page 17, Heat Set Tissue

Fixing a Paper Tear with Japanese Tissue

Basic Book Repair Manual (in PDF format)
A Cooperative Publication of the Ohio Preservation Council and the State Library of Ohio.
Page 20, Japanese tissue Repair with Paste

Conservation Book Repair: A training manual
By Artemis BonaDea, illustrated by Alexandria Prentiss
Alaska State Library, Alaska Department of Education
pages 53-54, Repairing Tears with Japanese Repair Tissue Patch and Wheat Paste

General Collections Book Repair Manual
University of Rochester
Paper Repair Using Japanese Tissue and Wheat Starch Paste

Tipping-In a Loose Page

Basic Book Repair Manual (in PDF format)
A Cooperative Publication of the Ohio Preservation Council and the State Library of Ohio.
Page 21, Tipping

Conservation Book Repair: A training manual
By Artemis BonaDea, illustrated by Alexandria Prentiss
Alaska State Library, Alaska Department of Education
pages 58-60, Tipping-in Detached Pages

General Collections Book Repair Manual
University of Rochester
Procedure for Tipping in Single Leaves

A Simple Book Repair Manual: Tipping in a Page
Dartmouth College Library

A Simplified Step-by-Step Guide to Book Repair and Protection! (in PDF format)
Compliments of Brodart Library Supplies and Furnishings
Page 18, Replacing a Loose Page

Three Basic Book Repair Procedures – Tipping-In Loose Pages

Hinging-In a Loose Page

Basic Book Repair Manual (in PDF format)
A Cooperative Publication of the Ohio Preservation Council and the State Library of Ohio.
Page 22, Hinging

Conservation Book Repair: A training manual
By Artemis BonaDea, illustrated by Alexandria Prentiss
Alaska State Library, Alaska Department of Education
pages 61-66, Hinging-in Detached Pages

General Collections Book Repair Manual
University of Rochester
Procedure for Hinging Single Leaves for Tip-ins

Hinge Tightening

Basic Book Repair Manual (in PDF format)
A Cooperative Publication of the Ohio Preservation Council and the State Library of Ohio.
Page 43, Tightening Books in their Cases

Conservation Book Repair: A training manual
By Artemis BonaDea, illustrated by Alexandria Prentiss
Alaska State Library, Alaska Department of Education
Pages 42-44, Tightening Loose Hinges

General Collections Book Repair Manual
University of Rochester
Hinge Tightening

A Simple Book Repair Manual: Hinge Tightening
Dartmouth College Library

A Simplified Step-by-Step Guide to Book Repair and Protection! (in PDF format)
Compliments of Brodart Library Supplies and Furnishings
Page 22, Repairing Loose Hinges

Three Basic Book Repair Procedures – Hinge Tightening I

Corner Repair

Conservation Book Repair: A training manual
By Artemis BonaDea, illustrated by Alexandria Prentiss
Alaska State Library, Alaska Department of Education
pages 46-48, Repairing Book Boards Corners

A Simple Book Repair Manual: Corner Repair
Dartmouth College Library

A Simplified Step-by-Step Guide to Book Repair and Protection! (in PDF format)
Compliments of Brodart Library Supplies and Furnishings
Page 26, Repairing Damaged Corners

Double Fan Adhesive Binding

Fan-Gluing Basics
By Peter Jermann

General Collections Book Repair Manual
University of Rochester
Fan Gluing


Basic Book Repair Manual (in PDF format)
A Cooperative Publication of the Ohio Preservation Council and the State Library of Ohio.
Pages 29-36, Spine Repair

Conservation Book Repair: A training manual
By Artemis BonaDea, illustrated by Alexandria Prentiss
Alaska State Library, Alaska Department of Education
Pages 79-99, Rebacking a Case Bound Book

General Collections Book Repair Manual
University of Rochester
Rebacking of Cloth Bindings

By Rebecca Kuipers

A Simple Book Repair Manual: New Spine
Dartmouth College Library

A Simplified Step-by-Step Guide to Book Repair and Protection! (in PDF format)
Compliments of Brodart Library Supplies and Furnishings
Pages 27-28, Repairing Worn Spines

Recasing in Original Cover

Conservation Book Repair: A training manual
By Artemis BonaDea, illustrated by Alexandria Prentiss
Alaska State Library, Alaska Department of Education
Pages 99-107, Recasing a Text block into the Cover
Pages 112-116, Endpaper Treatment and Repair

Recasing, part 1, part 2
By Pete Jermann